Friday 5 February 2016

My poem was published in

" The Bronze Swagman Book of Bush Verse 2015"

Billabong reverie

The billabong is full again, first time for quite a while.

The Boab tree is leafless now, quite stark in dark profile.

The cloudless sky is steely blue as winter casts its spell.

I sit here reminiscing, love and tears begin to well.

We sat right here when we first met, young lovers holding hands.

We shared our hopes and dreams, dear and fantasy tinged our plans.

A lot of dreams were not to be, but many did come true.

The best one was our wedding day, such joy for me and you.

The sun is moving slowly, love towards the western hill,

I hear the cattle lowing as they come to drink their fill.

We used to watch the poddy calves frolic in the water,

mothers gently pushed them clear, a nose on young hindquarter.

Life was good in the early days, we worked with mum and dad.

We worked the land, our first arrived, still-born and we were sad.

Two years went by, memory dimmed and you bore us a son,

a fine big boy at college now, admired by everyone.

The sun has reached the hill, love the sky has an orange glow.

The cattle have gone, now kangaroos, moving very slow,

nervously twitching their noses then bowing heads to drink.

Ripples of water radiate, the sky now shades of pink.

Dad passed on, we nurtured the land and mum went to a home.

Many years passed, we took a trip we wanted to see Rome.

The trip was good, we saw the sights a long way from the farm.

We came home, unpacked our ports and slipped back into the calm.

The sun is over the hill, love not too much more to see.

A fox came down a while ago, nervous, ready to flee.

The creatures of night are moving now, in the dim star light.

Eyes are sparkling in the dark, as we drift into the night.

Its twelve months since I left you, you sat with me to the end.

Since our son came back to the farm, your heart begins to mend.

As I look down I see you grow strong, I am filled with pride.

My job is done; I can go and move to the other side.

The white cockatoos have screeched good night, from the boab tree,

And I have left the billabong for other folk to see.

I’m now at rest, I’ve done my best, in time you will join me

in this calm and tranquil place together eternally.